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Happy New Year! Here Are a Few Resolutions to Help You Achieve a Healthier Smile!

December 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — robertmitchelldds @ 5:10 pm
Dentist smiles

The new year is a time for new beginnings, and many people use it as an opportunity to better themselves or get to work on noble goals. While going to the gym, quitting smoking, being more outgoing, and eating healthier are common and admirable New Year’s resolutions, it’s also a great idea to commit to achieving better dental health. Here are a few tips for making your teeth healthier and prettier over the coming year.

Practice Excellent Oral Hygiene

Your first line of defense against tooth decay and gum disease is always your oral hygiene regimen. Your teeth need daily care to remain healthy and strong, but many people skip crucial steps of the process. A complete and excellent daily oral hygiene routine includes:

  • Brushing your teeth can eliminate plaque and food debris from the exterior surfaces of your teeth. Brush at least twice a day, after breakfast and before bed, and take care to use short, gentle, circular strokes and a soft-bristled toothbrush. Be sure to wait at least thirty minutes after eating.
  • Flossing is equally important to brushing for your oral health because it can remove plaque and food debris from the spaces between your teeth where a toothbrush cannot reach. Cut off a length of floss and move to a clean section as you work it between each pair of teeth.
  • Antibacterial mouthwash is recommended by dentists as an essential part of a proper oral hygiene routine because it can kill more than 99% of the harmful bacteria in your mouth and freshen your breath in the process. Look for the American Dental Association’s Seal of Approval on the bottle.

Avoid Sugars and Other Harmful Substances

Sugar and acids are horrible for your dental health and pigments, and dyes can lead to stains and discoloration forming on your teeth. Sugar feeds the harmful bacteria that cause oral infections, and acids begin eroding your enamel as soon as they make contact with it. Tobacco is an especially horrible habit for your dental health because it leaves a nasty residue of tar on your teeth and harms your gums by causing them to harden and restricting blood flow to them.

Schedule Your Next Dental Appointment

Many people put off scheduling their dental appointments, but the ADA recommends that you have at least two every year. This allows your teeth to be monitored by a professional eye, and your dentist can provide you with advice on better oral hygiene. Regular dental appointments also help oral health issues to be caught and corrected in their early stages before they can cause major damage and health issues. Your dentist is your smile’s best friend, and it’s a great idea to arrange a reunion if they didn’t see each other a few times last year.

About the Author

Dr. Robert Mitchell earned his Doctor of Dental Surgery from Baylor College of Dentistry and has completed numerous postgraduate courses on restorative and cosmetic dentistry. He is proud to be a Fellow of the Academy of General Dentistry, a past President of the Dallas Academy of General Dentistry, and on the Executive Board of the International Association of Orofacial Myology. His office in Dallas, TX offers general, restorative, and cosmetic dentistry. To schedule an appointment, contact the office online or dial (972) 233-1311.

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