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Skilled Dallas Dentist Helping Patients Maintain Healthy Smiles

October 8, 2015

A strong, healthy smile is something to be treasured. Proper preventive care can keep your teeth and gums looking and feeling great for years to come. As an experienced Dallas Dentist and General Dentist, Dr. Mitchell offers a variety of therapies to maximize oral wellness.

For optimal dental wellbeing, Dr. Mitchell recommends regular, six-month checkups. He may suggest products and techniques to optimize your oral homecare routine. He’ll use state-of-the-art tools (such as Velscope and Digital X-rays) to identify problems like tooth decay and oral cancer. Early diagnosis means timely intervention and treatment, which results in improved oral health. He’ll check your gum tissue for signs of periodontal disease and assess your bite alignment. If you’re an athlete or the parent of one, Dr. Mitchell might suggest a custom mouthguard to prevent sports-related oral injury.

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The American Dental Association recommends you see your dentist at least twice each year for a checkup. At your checkup, we will inspect your soft tissues for oral cancer, periodontal disease, and other problems. The dentist will also look at each tooth in your mouth to assess problems like tooth decay or cracks, as well as old dental work. Sometimes old dental work wears out and needs to be replaced. We will be happy to replace metal fillings, inlays, onlays, and crowns with tooth-colored alternatives.

By looking for trouble every six months, we can often reduce the potential for large dental problems. For instance, a small cavity can grow to destroy an entire tooth and spread to surrounding teeth if left untreated. A cracked tooth can cause pain or break off and create additional problems. Furthermore, advanced gum disease is the primary cause of tooth loss for American adults, and oral cancer causes more than 7500 deaths each year. Caught and treated early, these diseases can be controlled.

If you have not scheduled a checkup lately, be sure to call us now to make your appointment! Children as young as two should visit the dentist, and by age four or five, they should be attending regular checkups.


Call us today to schedule your dental check-up @ 972-233-1311

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5438 Alpha Rd., Dallas, TX 75240
Dr. Robert Mitchell Dallas Dentist Dr. Robert Mitchell (972) 233-1311